Physiotherapy & Massage

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Working as a physiotherapist in a massage setting, turned out to be fun, educational, exciting, and fulfilling!

Being a late bloomer in many things, it came as no surprise that I began my study physiotherapy at age 38. Four years later there was a graduation party, but since in my assessment the current Dutch healthcare system is more about keeping people sick than the other way around, I left the system and tried working as a massage therapist instead. That turned out to become one of the most interesting, educational, and fulfilling, experiences I’ve ever had. 

Working at Massage Minds in Amstelveen (right underneath Amsterdam), which had opened its doors only three months before my arrival, became an adventure in which both the starting of a company and buidling up of my client list became fascinating learning experiences. Not one single day did I reluctantly travel to Amstelveen!

In 2023 the time came to move on to a next phase in my life, which consisted of traveling to China for an extensive tai chi training in a traditional shaolin. That meant having to say goodbye to the practice and all the wonderful people there. So a very big thank you to all my beautiful clients and colleagues who I was fortnuate enough to meet. Every contact was an amazing learning experience.