The desire to return to his seemingly predictable existence, eventually landed Andy in a mental asylum. Will he ever get out? Find out in part 6 of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreFeeling that he had been sentenced into another lonely job, Andy let himself be taken to the Museum of Fine Arts, which turned out to be quite different from what he had expected. Find out how in part five of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreDarkness and hopelessness are often interchangeably used. Yet doesn't the darkest hour of night harbour the return of the light? Find out if Andy's hopelessness is justified in the fourth part of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreBeing sure that he had found what he was looking for - and how delightful it was - he surrendered ecstatically to the sandman. Yet is that wise? Find out in the third part of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreBy means of the Indian chakra system we’re going find out what it means to be human and how we can find and live our full potential.
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