Effects of chronic stress on the formation and maintenance of our memory, learning, energy restoration, sense of security, and our humanity.
Read MoreIn this chapter we will discuss the function of pain, how pain is produced, what factors influence our pain experience, when pain becomes a problem, how chronic stress can turn into chronic pain, and the loneliness of chronic pain – and how to counter it.
Read MoreOur immune system is broadly made up of a border patrol and police, and detectives and snipers. The former can become overworked by chronic stress, the latter can wither away because of it. Part 2 Chapter 6:The Effects Of Chronic Stress On Our Immune System explores how this works.
Read MoreAny physical or psychological imbalance which results in stiff or painful skeletal muscles, can be brought back into balance by physical activity. Find out how that works in Part 2 Chapter 5: Muscles Under Stress.
Read MoreKnowing when to attribute minor health issues to stress leads to greater awareness and control over your stressors and your health. Part 2 Chapter 4 – Listening To Your Body via the Human Fuel Gauge
Read MoreIf the digestive system is our internal power plant, what happens when it comes under the fire of chronic stress? Part 2 Chapter 3 – Digestive System Adaptations to Chronic Stress.
Read MoreWe consume energy during the day which is replenished at night. But what happens when our buttons are incessantly and recurrently pushed? Part 2 Chapter 2 – Work and Recovery Modes.
Read MoreThe stress response is desirable in acute life-threatening situations, but not at all when emotional buttons are being pushed. We’ll examine how this works in Part 2 Chapter 1: Acute & Chronic Stress.
Read MoreInput can have a huge impact, very little, and everything in between. In Part 1 Chapter 5: Different Levels of Input, we’ll explore different forms and levels of input, and how they affect us.
Read MoreInput can come from both our external and internal worlds, and from both our bodies and minds. We’ll explore this in Part 1 Chapter 4: Physical and Mental Input.
Read MoreHow input becomes meaningful to us as individuals is discussed in Part 1 Chapter 3: The Birth of Meaning.
Read MoreNo two people perceive the world in the same way, and without that realization, constant and unnecessary conflict is inevitable. That's why we explore how we perceive in Part 1 Chapter 2: Sensory Input.
Read MoreUnderstanding how stress works in our bodies and minds tends to have a calming and healing effect. Therefore in this series we’re making stress into our object of investigation and have some fun with it. Part 1 Chapter 1: Introduction and Memory, Labeling and Buttenization.
Read MoreBody and mind communicate continuously with each other. The phenomenon of stress bears no exception. In this article, we investigate the effect of a stress response in our body, why we currently view those effects as negative, and how a change in perception actually reduces stress.
Read MoreThe healing power of humor and genuine belly laughter with chronic, incomprehensible and often stress related health problems.
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