Why is talking about sex impossible for a great number of men? What is sexual self-awareness? And how can it contribute to healthier and happier individuals and societies? Let’s investigate!
Read MoreHow input becomes meaningful to us as individuals is discussed in Part 1 Chapter 3: The Birth of Meaning.
Read MoreWhere can we find a foothold in a world where every argument can be provided with a counterargument? Let's investigate!
Read MorePersonal account of my trip to China to learn Tai Chi. Part 9: Tai Chi as a Diagnostic Tool, Reflections and Life Lessons in Love.
Read MoreWe are very good at grasping and very bad at letting go. As a result, we cramp up, and here we’re going to see that the balance between grasping and letting go is no different from that between day and night.
Read MoreNo two people perceive the world in the same way, and without that realization, constant and unnecessary conflict is inevitable. That's why we explore how we perceive in Part 1 Chapter 2: Sensory Input.
Read MoreWe highly value spontaneous events. Nevertheless, we leave very little room in the agenda to be able to experience them. Why is that and what can we learn from the Eastern traditions to become a little more relaxed in that sense? Including an extraordinary creation story from the Kālikā Purāna.
Read MorePersonal account of the trip to China to learn Tai Chi. Part 8: Chinese New Year and Ghost Cities.
Read MoreUnderstanding how stress works in our bodies and minds tends to have a calming and healing effect. Therefore in this series we’re making stress into our object of investigation and have some fun with it. Part 1 Chapter 1: Introduction and Memory, Labeling and Buttenization.
Read MoreThe ways in which we express ourselves are endless. Yet a distinction can be made between possible injurious or healing ways of expression. In Part 2 of this diptych: Healing ways of self-expression.
Read MoreThe ways in which we express ourselves are endless. Yet a distinction can be made between possible injurious or healing ways of expression. In Part 1 of this diptych: Injurious ways of self-expression.
Read MorePersonal account of the trip to China to learn Tai Chi. Part 7: Experiences of a month offline and a question for you.
Read MoreFairy tale about a great magician who refuses to acknowledge his intuitive mind, and trusts his intellect exclusively.
Read MoreWe become joyous when we walk our own path. But what does that actually mean? We discuss the phenomenon of ‘calling,’ the difference between anxiety and joyousness as a basic-state-of-being and offer options to (re)discover our calling as an adult.
Read MoreLearn to recognize your emotional buttons and associated feelings and behaviours through the Five Questions For Self-Inquiry, and become a free and happy human being.
Read MoreIn the world of paradox G.K. Chesterton takes a prominent place. His sharp mind combined with a genuine sense of wonder takes us places where we can actually learn something about ourselves. In an age where utilitarian thought and values threaten to strangle us, his essay ‘the sense of nonsense’ feels like a much needed antidote.
Read MorePersonal account of the trip to China to learn Tai Chi. Part 6: Offline for a month and a couple profound learning moments.
Read MoreTo introduce the new year, a concept welcome message that gives each child the opportunity to discover, develop and cultivate her or his full potential.
Read MoreAfter the shortest day our hemisphere will move towards the sun for yet another six months. But if we could, we’d surely influence the tilting motion of our planet. This blog post is about our convulsive and ineffective way of controlling, and the relaxation we experience when that form of control is let go.
Read MorePersonal account of the trip to China to learn Tai Chi. Part 5: Heating heating heating!
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