Knowing when to attribute minor health issues to stress leads to greater awareness and control over your stressors and your health. Part 2 Chapter 4 – Listening To Your Body via the Human Fuel Gauge
Read MorePersonal account of my journey within, where I ended up in Chiang Mai, Thailand after 11 months of Tai Chi training in China. Part 14: Living In The Here-And-Now
Read MorePutting the spotlight on our stressors and how we behave towards them has a soothing and purifying effect. Here’s a method for doing so.
Read MoreBeing sure that he had found what he was looking for - and how delightful it was - he surrendered ecstatically to the sandman. Yet is that wise? Find out in the third part of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreIf the digestive system is our internal power plant, what happens when it comes under the fire of chronic stress? Part 2 Chapter 3 – Digestive System Adaptations to Chronic Stress.
Read MorePersonal account of my journey within, starting in China to learn Tai Chi for a longer period of time. Part 13: University of Life – Frustrations and an Early Farewell from China
Read MoreProcrastination? Distraction? Addiction? Habit? We prefer to get rid of these behaviours as soon as possible. But how? We are going to discover an answer in this article.
Read MoreAndy's journey had hardly begun or the first unexpected events manifested in losing his Sherpa and getting arrested by the little people. Find out where they are taking him in the second part of The Seven Kingdoms.
Read MoreWe consume energy during the day which is replenished at night. But what happens when our buttons are incessantly and recurrently pushed? Part 2 Chapter 2 – Work and Recovery Modes.
Read MoreBy means of the Indian chakra system we’re going find out what it means to be human and how we can find and live our full potential.
Read MorePersonal account of my trip to China to learn Tai Chi for a longer period. Part 12: Letting go, a famous Chinese mountain, and the Dragonboat festival
Read MoreFirst part of a fairy tale about a computer nerd who is drowning in the mechanical and impersonal environment of a multinational. He decides to go on a holiday that promises the meaning of life on a silver platter…
Read MoreThe stress response is desirable in acute life-threatening situations, but not at all when emotional buttons are being pushed. We’ll examine how this works in Part 2 Chapter 1: Acute & Chronic Stress.
Read MoreLet’s go on a journey to find out what love is, what it’s not, and why it’s important for our health and happiness to know the difference.
Read MorePersonal account of my trip to China to learn Tai Chi for a longer period. Part 11: The Fool’s Number, Unexpected Encounters, Meaning, and new Tai Chi videos!
Read MoreInput can have a huge impact, very little, and everything in between. In Part 1 Chapter 5: Different Levels of Input, we’ll explore different forms and levels of input, and how they affect us.
Read MoreOverdeveloped intellect and underdeveloped emotional skills create a society of fear and very little merriment. Time for change!
Read MoreIn today’s sick and destructive society it’s high time to reinstate the old court jester in its rightful place among the powerful, so that the rest of us can move back to jolly health!
Read MoreInput can come from both our external and internal worlds, and from both our bodies and minds. We’ll explore this in Part 1 Chapter 4: Physical and Mental Input.
Read MorePersonal account of my trip to China to learn Tai Chi for a longer period. Part 10: Feeling, Competition, Mastery, and...Spring Blossoms!
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